Did you pre-order KID KITCHEN Before March 14, 2023?
You get these free bonuses!

Bonus #1
Knife Skills Video Mini-Course
In this mini-course, your kids will hone their knife skills (with adult supervision, of course!). A perfect companion to KID KITCHEN! This is some of the most requested content from the Happy Kids Kitchen Community.

Bonus #2
LIVE Q&A and Virtual Cooking Class
Bring your kids along for a virtual cooking adventure with Chef Heather! Make sure parents and kids come with their most-burning questions about cooking, safety, and kids' success in the kitchen! We can't wait to see all of you!

Bonus #3
Exclusive Recipe Extras
Do you want even MORE recipes and variations from KID KITCHEN? We've got you covered! This PDF offers companion recipes, additional flavor combos, and more!
To claim your bonuses, enter your information below!
Don't have your copy of the book yet?
Kid Kitchen is available NOW!
Get over 30 recipes, ranging in difficulty from Easy Peasy (Level 1), to Totally Doable (Level 2), to Challenge Accepted (Level 3). Loaded with tips, techniques, and flavor combos, Kid Kitchen grows with your children as they gain confidence in the kitchen! Here are a few options for ordering your copy for delivery in March 2023!
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