Sweet Potato Snack Bars

Have a granola bar lover at home? I think we all do! These Sweet Potato Snack Bars are the perfect healthier alternative to store-bought oat bars. Plus, they have a ton of added nutrients and fiber from mashed sweet potato, ground flax seed, and hemp or chia seeds.  Add in some mini chocolate chips and…

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Baked Salmon and Sweet Potato Nuggets

Only 4 simple ingredients in this super kid and toddler friendly finger food. Baked Salmon and Sweet Potato Nuggets are packed with nutritious salmon and sweet potato that’s held together with an egg and some breadcrumbs. Egg-free and gluten-free variations included in the recipes below as well. Serve with your kiddo’s favorite dip, and you’ve…

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The Best Veggie Recipes for Kids

Let’s teach our kids that vegetables can be flavorful, delicious, and fun! I gathered up all my best veggie-focused as well as recipe from other family friendly blogs I trust to create a comprehensive list of the best veggie recipes for kids. If you ever have a veggie on hand that you’re not sure what…

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Healthy Chocolate Desserts to Cook with Kids

Can chocolate be healthy? Sure! When you make desserts from scratch with wholesome ingredients and even added veggies! Of course any added sugar (even natural sweeteners like maple syrup and dates) should be eaten mindfully. Dessert is dessert. However, the recipes in this round up of over 25 Healthy Chocolate Desserts are ones you can feel good…

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Sweet Potato Gingerbread Muffins

Sweet, lightly spiced, tender muffins with added veggies? Yes, please! No need to bake cookies to get those yummy gingerbread flavors in your life. These Sweet Potato Gingerbread Muffins are the perfect way to have a festive treat any time of day. The muffins are filled with whole grain goodness and are naturally sweetened. Kids…

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