Recipes to Cook with Kids in June

June (in my neck of the woods) means kids are starting to get out of school and the weather is starting to warm up. Here is a round-up of easy, nutritious, and fun recipes to cook with kids in June. There are lots of ideas to keep kids well fed and entertained, including homemade popsicles, seasonal strawberry recipes, and kid-favorites like summer pizzas.

Recipes to cook with kids in June:

  1. Homemade Popsicles (especially fruit and coconut water): All of my favorite popsicle recipes are in my round-up blog post (linked in the title). However, you don’t need a recipe to make our go-to easy, super refreshing pops: Just fill your popsicle molds with whatever fresh or frozen fruit you like and top off with coconut water (or juice). For the easiest version, use frozen or fresh blueberries (because no chopping). All my recommendations for popsicle molds are also linked in the blog post as well.
  2. Grilled Pizzas: Buy a ball (or two) of pizza dough at the store, grab some cheese and your favorite toppings, then heat up the grill! This summer dinner is one of my boys’ favorites…it makes everyone happy to create their own special pizza! Here’s a quick how-to: Roll/press your dough into rounds (I usually do 4 individual sized ones from a pound ball of dough) and coat both sides with olive oil. It’s a little tricky to transfer the rounds to the grill (mine often have a weird shape but that’s ok), but do the best you can to place the dough on a medium-high grill. It should only take a few minutes per side to cook. Remove the grilled dough then add sauce, cheese, and toppings. Lower the heat to medium/medium-low then place the pizzas back on the grill and close the lid for a few minutes just to melt the cheese.
  3. Strawberry Oatmeal Snack Cake: Cake at snack time? Yes! Or really, any time of day because Strawberry Oatmeal Snack Cake is made from super wholesome ingredients and easy enough to stir up before breakfast. I love the combination of sweet strawberries and comforting oats in this cake. However, you can really use any fresh or frozen fruit you have on hand. As always, this is a great recipe to get kids in the kitchen to measure, mix, and taste!
  4. Rainbow Pasta Salad:This simple, fresh, and delicious this pasta dish is perfect for getting the kids into the kitchen to practice those knife skills. You can use whatever fresh or frozen veggies you have on hand to make a colorful pasta dish the whole family will love. I often make this recipe with my preschool cooking classes. Parents and teachers are always so surprised how much kids are willing to taste when they help make the dish. Even if your little one pushes the veggies aside and only eats the pasta, chopping veggies and learning in the kitchen is still a huge win.
  5. Homemade Ranch Dip with Veggies: The easiest ranch dip I make is just plain whole-milk Greek yogurt with some dry seasoning to taste (either the Trader Joe’s Ranch seasoning or a dash of garlic powder, onion powder, and dried dill). However, my friend The Natural Nurturer has a great recipe on her blog HERE if you want a full recipe. Let kids mix up the dip ingredients in a jar then pick out some crunchy veggies to try (they can even help wash and prep them if you have time!).
  6. Brownies for a neighbor or friend: I chose to include brownies because it’s one of my favorite things to have kids make from the box mix, but you can really make whatever you want to share with someone. I think it’s so important to help kids see how wonderful it is to cook/bake and give it as a gift. Such a confidence boost and lesson in how great it feels to serve others. One of my favorite sweet treats to make from scratch and share is the Smores Brownie Bites from my cookbook Kid Kitchen. If you are looking for fun recipes kids will be excited to cook, be sure to check it out!
  7. Homemade “Uncrustables”: a 2-minute lunch of snack that can be filled with whatever you like! Use a simple sandwich sealer that you can buy online (I like this set of fun shapes HERE) to make a pocket sandwich to eat at home or on the go. Let kids get involved by helping spread or place the fillings (pb+j, fluff, almond butter and fruit, avocado, hummus…) and using the cutters to create their own sammies.
  8. Air-fried Crunch Peas or Edamame: A crunchy snack that’s easy to make at home. No need to turn on the oven when it’s hot out, but you can also make these in a toaster oven or regular oven if you’d like. This is such a simple recipe to make with kids since it is just 2 or 3 ingredients and takes minutes to toss together. Get kids excited about peas or edamame by making them crunchy, salty, and snack-worthy!
  9. Healthy Strawberry Banana Muffins: Muffins are always a good idea and the perfect recipe to bake up with kids of all ages. Save some of those spotty bananas, chop up some fresh, seasonal strawberries, and you’ve got a nutritious snack, breakfast, or treat for any time of day!
  10. Easy Bean and Veggie Quesadillas: Veggies and plant-based protein packed into a super toddler and kid friendly package! Easy Veggie and Bean Quesadillas are simple to make and always a hit for lunch or dinner at my house. This recipe is very versatile and you can use whatever vegetables and beans you have on hand to make the no-cook filling. Throw some guacamole or fruit on the side and you’ve got a super nutritious and delicious meal.


Stayed tuned for next month!! Sign-up for my newsletter so you don’t miss my new recipes and monthly round-ups. (Just put your email in the spot at the top of the page!)

If you make any of these recipes to cook with kids in June, please send me pictures on social media or via email! ([email protected])




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